Monday, December 20, 2010

An Extreme Heart Makeover

"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be."
James 3:9-10

A few days ago I received my monthly "shot" of spiritual caffeine. Cadre Ministries sends out these e-mails as a "monthly shot of encouragement and equipping for student leaders". They are usually just a short devotion, with an attachment that you can do a daily 'going-deeper' type of thing. I usually just read the devotion and pass the rest by because I'm so tight for time. But since I was home for break and had nothing better to do, I thought I'd walk through this. And MAN am I glad I did!! I just want to share a little bit of what I'm learning!!

"But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, 
and these defile you."
Matthew 15:18

Wow. What we say to others reflects the state of our heart. So if we are being angry, defensive, and prideful, what does that say about our heart?
We praise God with the same tongue that we curse His Creation. How can this be? Yet, we do it all the time and I don't think we realize it.

I've been challenged these past few days to take a look at what is coming out of my mouth, and how that reflects the state of my heart. I've taken some time to reflect on what it is that my heart needs to be. And I've asked the Lord to do a work in me so that I may better glorify Him.

If you want to go on this journey with me, here's the link! Check it out, you won't regret spending a little extra time with the Lord, and getting an Extreme Heart Makeover!
From the Heart - Cadre Ministries

Jenna's Journal.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rolling The Stone Away

As I was driving home today for Christmas break I was listening to one of my favorite CD's: Taste and See by Peder Eide. Peder is an amazing worship leader. He's a small town guy, and has MC'ed for Sonshine Festival a few times. I love his songs because their fun to dance to, and they touch your heart in a way you wouldn't ever guess...

This is what happened to me today. I was listening to the song "Roll That Stone Away", which you can probably guess is about Lazarus, but in case that's not the first thing that you think of I'll let ya know that this song is, indeed, about Lazarus, but it's also about us...

"Roll the stone away, what I say is true. 
Roll the stone away, see the wonders God can do. 
Roll the stone away, you've got no other choice. 
If he's gotta rise, he's gotta hear my voice, roll the stone away."

Some Background (thank you Gospel of John):
In the Jewish culture of this time, it was believed that after someone died, their spirit hovered over them for 3 days, until the body started decaying. The hope was that the person would come back to life. After the body started decaying, it was impossible for this person to raise back to life.
Now, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick and dieing, he waited two more days, then traveled back to Judea with his disciples. When he arrived, Mary was upset, for it had been 4 days since Lazarus' death. She deemed it impossible for him to come back to life.
But Jesus has been known to do the impossible so as Mary and Martha take him to the tomb, he tells them to roll the stone away. Martha questions him, but Jesus instructs her believe. This is when Jesus prays to his Father then calls out to Lazarus. Lazarus walks out, alive.

Now this story is not only an amazing story of the impossible becoming possible, but also of faith. There are times in our lives that we ask God to do something, or give us something, and we expect it to be like a genie lamp and just happen, but I think that there are stones blocking our hearts from really opening up to what he can do, because they block our belief.

" 'Take away the stone,' he said. 'But, Lord,' said Martha, the sister of the dead man, 'by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.' Then Jesus said, 'Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?' "
John 11:39-40

Some "disbelief stones" can come in the form of logic: everything has to make sense all the time. This is what Mary and Martha had. It was past the 3 days, and since they deemed it impossible, that rolled a stone in front of their heart that blocked out their faith. Another stone could be wanting it our own way. Sometimes we ask for things specifically because that's the way we've always planned it in our heads. What if God has something greater? This rolls a stone in front of our hearts that blocks our trust in the Sovereign Will of God.

We each have our dis-belief stones. Mine comes in the form of planning my own life. In recognizing this, I am able to ask God for the strength to move this stone, and allow him to help me as I roll the stone away and become more able to hear his voice calling out my name.

What's  your disbelief stone? Do you need to recognize it, and confess it to the Lord, humbly asking for His strength? Roll those stones away and watch as God's glory is shown throughout your life. Take away that which is blocking His voice and listen for His voice.

We need to hear His voice so that we may rise from the grips of our sin and be free.
 "Jesus said to them, 'Take off the grave clothes and let him go."
John 11:44

Journals by Jenna

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Sustainer

As I near the end of my 3rd semester at Crown College, and feel the heavy stress of all the end of the semester rap-up, I was reminded this morning of all God has done in my life in the past year and a half. The most important thing God has done was sustaining me.

"Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me"
- Psalm 54:4 -

When I graduated from high school I received a journal from my youth group, and the very first thing I remember writing in it, minutes after receiving it, was "When everything changes and life gets crazy, You Lord will remain constant and You will never change". Little did I know how incredibly true this actually would be.

In the past year a half my world has been flipped upside down. I have experienced and learned things that I never even knew existed. I've grown in my faith far beyond what I thought was imaginable, and as I reflect today, I have seen the faithfulness and consistency of God.

Where has God sustained you through your life? Let's praise Him today for remaining constant when everything else turns upside down.

"I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, Lord, 
for it is good. You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes." 
- Psalm 54:6-7 -

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

All Consuming Love ♥

As we were worshiping in service this past Sunday, I couldn't help but notice something. Something that I've noticed many times during service.
All Consuming Love.

I find it so amazing to look around the worship center and see parents being moved by the Spirit into this love that God has given us the opportunity to experience. And when this happens it seems as if they just have to hug their kids, or their spouse.

As I thought more about the Spirit and His presence on Sunday mornings, I began to wonder, can we have this love all the time in our lives?

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit" - Galatians 5:25
Paul seems to think so.

What would happen if we all kept in step with the Spirit? If we allowed the Spirit to be in every part of our lives, and consume us with His love. I believe, we would get to experience a small slice of what true Godly love is. And as we experience this love, we would not be able to hold it in; we would need pour it out and express it to others (much like the parents in service).

THIS LOVE is the All Consuming Love we are called to. We ought to have this love for everyone, and when we allow the Holy Spirit to work, we are able to be vessels of this love. However, our sinful nature can get in the way.
I challenge us to make it our cry and plea to live in step with the Spirit so that we may be vessels of the Lord's Love, not led astray by those who seek war (Psalm 120:7).

"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature" - Galatians 5:16

Desiring to Walk in the Spirit,
Another Journaling Thought

Friday, November 26, 2010


As I did my devotions Thanksgiving morning, I realized that what I am most thankful for is the HOPE we have in Christ.

Pslam 52:9 - "For what you have done i will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name for your name is good."

There are so many people that I am grateful for that have helped me see this hope that God has provided. I'd like to point out a few...

First are my parents. They are the best Mom and Dad I could even ask for!! They have always been there for me, my whole life. They are an encouragement, and they proudly support me in anything I do, even not moving home for the summer!

These are my D-Group girls, and my amazing D-Group Co-leader (in red). These girls have taught me what it means to have a child like faith. They have been a huge blessing in revealing to me what I want to do when I grow up! I love being with them..

I could practically say this is my 2nd family. David, Cindy and Morgan Staloch took me in as a member of their family for this past summer so that I could work as an intern at Grace church. They gave me a safe place to stay, and allowed me to build relationships that will last forever!

Jackie Bong (left) and Erin Stanley (right). The three of us could practically be triplets. Jackie has taught me so much...about everything. It has been such a blessing to learn about ministry and life from her, and have a great friend as well!

Roommates. These 5 girls (Ellie is missing in this picture) have taught me perseverance and love. I enjoy each one of these girls' company as we all live together and work through the challenges of having  6 girls in one pretty small apartment. 
This little girl is Ava Armstrong. I'm not sure why, but she has taught me a lot. Being a little over 18 months in this picture, Ava is one of the most joyful little girls I know. We have a ton of fun hanging out and playing. She has showed me true Joy, and taught me to let go of my worries. 

All these people have touched my life in a significant way this past year, but this is just the tip of the ice burg of people who have guided me, taught me, and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord, and in life. For each of these people mentioned, and unmentioned, I will praise the LORD for what He has done through them.

Thankful to be Relentlessly Pursued by my Heavenly Abba,
Jenna's Journal

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Every One; A Story

All the hurt, pain, and struggles we go through in our life, are not unique to only us. Every person on this earth struggles with something similar at one point or another.

I was very humbled and convicted last night as I listened to someone, who I had wrongfully judged, talk about their life, and their struggles. I couldn't believe that I could be so selfish and have such a  hard heart toward this person. I learned last night the idea that Everyone Has A Story.

I think of Jesus' ministry and all the people that he talked to. People that we would just pass up on the streets and not think twice about them, or people that we automatically have a bitter spirit toward because of something they are associated with, or even something that we have even just heard about them. 

As obvious as this may seem, I think of Jesus' ministry to Zaccheus and how it shows us a great example of getting to know someone's story. Everyone knew Zaccheus as a tax collector and a very rich man. However, Zaccheus had more of a story than that. There was something deep within him that wanted to know Jesus, he wanted what Jesus had to offer, that's why he climbed a tree, just to grab a glimpse! 

What's awesome about this story is that there were so many people crowding around Jesus and He looks up, right at Zaccheus, and says "Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house" (v.5). Jesus took the time to get to know Zaccheus' story outside of what all the townspeople had known him as, a sinner. 

This makes me think, who are the Zaccheus' in my life. The ones who I put a label or a name on before I even know more about their life. Where do they hurt, where are they struggling, what is it in their lives that may make them the way they are. Are they searching for something that if I just looked up, I could help them out?
These are the people that I want to get to know. 
These are the ones that I want to help.

Just a Jenna Journal

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Psalm 104

As I spend some time last night with the Lord, I come across Psalm 104, and started reading. It’s a psalm of praise to God for His Creation, for the creatures he has made, and for his provision. I look at this psalm as the Spirit just lifts me up and I see that God is everywhere and everything. He is the very essence of life. He is the great I Am. I see the meaning of that Name throughout this psalm. I also see that He is in charge. Not only did he create all these wonderful things, but he also has command over them. Verse 7: “But at your rebuke the waters fled…” Wow. At His very voice, the waters fled from the sky. 

Also, God’s provision is MAGNIFICINT in this Psalm. As I’ve been praying and asking God to help me to trust Him and know His plan and his provision, this just really hits me. Not only does He provide for the streams, but he gives water to the animals, birds, cattle, and people. He has not only given them to us, but also allowed them to grow from the ground, purely, without any problems.

Verses 19-23 are interesting to me. I really do think that this is God showing us that even the things we don’t think about are part of His plan, and He knows what’s going on. But more than anything, I think Verses 27-30 are my prayer for my life right now. I want to be dependent on Him in the sense that I know that I am nothing without Him. I want to depend on His grace to save me, and recognize that every day I wake up is another day He has given me by His Grace

Why is it that we question God all the time? Why did He do this, why did He do that? Is this theologically correct? We have all these things that we feel like we need to understand about Him, but I think what we really don’t understand is WHO He is. Yes, there are things that may be mind-boggling and challenging to think about, but we must evaluate in what way we are looking at God. Do we see Him for who He is? Or are we putting Him into our human nature? 

It really is not overly difficult to see God, we just need to take off our blinders and look at Him for all He is, and when we catch a glimpse of that, fall on our faces because we see that we are so unworthy to be loved by this great God! Then, as He slowly lifts us up from the ground, we must be thankful for the love that He shows us, and recognize all of His provisions. 

I chose to depend on the Lord, EVEN if I don’t understand him fully. I chose to praise Him for all the things He has created and has power over, and all that He provides. I chose to take off my blinders and see God for who He is, not bring Him down to an earthly standard. I chose to “sing to the Lord all my life; [to] sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him as I rejoice in the Lord (vv.33-34)”

Just a Jenna Journal

“May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works – he who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mountains and they smoke” 
Psalm 104:31-32

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something New

I'm really quite excited for this blog! I have been following (pretty faithfully) a few particular blogs and I am so encouraged by them!! I decided that I might be good at this whole blogging thing, and it could be fun.

I love to write. I find and understand myself and the world best when I am journaling. I have numerous different pages of things I have written in the past. Mostly just thoughts, but many with great words of encouragement. As I share them with you I hope that they will find you being encouraged and uplifted by God's powerful hand; for these are not of my own, but can only be credited to our Amazing Creator.

I named my blog Journaling Thoughts because that's what I do. I have a great thought or revelation about something (life or Scripture) and I must write it down. Often time it correlates with what I'm learning in life and it will usually come straight out of Scripture, and they are usually thought provoking.

I am excited to share my thoughts with you.
Enjoy the Journaling Thoughts of Jenna!

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."
1 Peter 1:8-9