Friday, November 26, 2010


As I did my devotions Thanksgiving morning, I realized that what I am most thankful for is the HOPE we have in Christ.

Pslam 52:9 - "For what you have done i will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name for your name is good."

There are so many people that I am grateful for that have helped me see this hope that God has provided. I'd like to point out a few...

First are my parents. They are the best Mom and Dad I could even ask for!! They have always been there for me, my whole life. They are an encouragement, and they proudly support me in anything I do, even not moving home for the summer!

These are my D-Group girls, and my amazing D-Group Co-leader (in red). These girls have taught me what it means to have a child like faith. They have been a huge blessing in revealing to me what I want to do when I grow up! I love being with them..

I could practically say this is my 2nd family. David, Cindy and Morgan Staloch took me in as a member of their family for this past summer so that I could work as an intern at Grace church. They gave me a safe place to stay, and allowed me to build relationships that will last forever!

Jackie Bong (left) and Erin Stanley (right). The three of us could practically be triplets. Jackie has taught me so much...about everything. It has been such a blessing to learn about ministry and life from her, and have a great friend as well!

Roommates. These 5 girls (Ellie is missing in this picture) have taught me perseverance and love. I enjoy each one of these girls' company as we all live together and work through the challenges of having  6 girls in one pretty small apartment. 
This little girl is Ava Armstrong. I'm not sure why, but she has taught me a lot. Being a little over 18 months in this picture, Ava is one of the most joyful little girls I know. We have a ton of fun hanging out and playing. She has showed me true Joy, and taught me to let go of my worries. 

All these people have touched my life in a significant way this past year, but this is just the tip of the ice burg of people who have guided me, taught me, and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord, and in life. For each of these people mentioned, and unmentioned, I will praise the LORD for what He has done through them.

Thankful to be Relentlessly Pursued by my Heavenly Abba,
Jenna's Journal

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Every One; A Story

All the hurt, pain, and struggles we go through in our life, are not unique to only us. Every person on this earth struggles with something similar at one point or another.

I was very humbled and convicted last night as I listened to someone, who I had wrongfully judged, talk about their life, and their struggles. I couldn't believe that I could be so selfish and have such a  hard heart toward this person. I learned last night the idea that Everyone Has A Story.

I think of Jesus' ministry and all the people that he talked to. People that we would just pass up on the streets and not think twice about them, or people that we automatically have a bitter spirit toward because of something they are associated with, or even something that we have even just heard about them. 

As obvious as this may seem, I think of Jesus' ministry to Zaccheus and how it shows us a great example of getting to know someone's story. Everyone knew Zaccheus as a tax collector and a very rich man. However, Zaccheus had more of a story than that. There was something deep within him that wanted to know Jesus, he wanted what Jesus had to offer, that's why he climbed a tree, just to grab a glimpse! 

What's awesome about this story is that there were so many people crowding around Jesus and He looks up, right at Zaccheus, and says "Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house" (v.5). Jesus took the time to get to know Zaccheus' story outside of what all the townspeople had known him as, a sinner. 

This makes me think, who are the Zaccheus' in my life. The ones who I put a label or a name on before I even know more about their life. Where do they hurt, where are they struggling, what is it in their lives that may make them the way they are. Are they searching for something that if I just looked up, I could help them out?
These are the people that I want to get to know. 
These are the ones that I want to help.

Just a Jenna Journal