"But in all these things we
overwhelmingly conquer
through Him who loved us."
But I could not do it alone, and I just want to give thanks where it is due to the people who have stood behind me and helped carry me through!!
First is my wonderful family! My mom, dad and brother have been a solid rock under my feet these past 2 years. Without their love, support, and encouragement I would not be chasing after my passion the way I have been able to. They are always there when I need to talk to someone, cry or even let off some steam. Through my whole life they have shared in each of my joys and supported every decision I've made. The biggest thing they have done for me is supporting me as I decided to live away from home the past 2 summers. Without their encouragement, I would not have the confidence I have in approaching my calling.
Thanks for always being there mom and dad! |
I'm also more than thankful for the family I have in The Staloch's. Both last summer and this summer they have gladly taken me into their home, making me part of their family for 4 months. Having a place to stay is more than wonderful in itself, but getting to live with an amazing family such as David, Cindy and Morgan, I have been blessed beyond words!
Thank You for all of your sacrifices to make me a part of your family! |
My Roommate, Christina, is a solid rock. I have lived with Christina for 2 years and could not be more thankful for her friendship and company. She is one of those people I will always feel comfortable around, and can talk to about anything. We always pick up right where we left off, and she may be the only person who actually know just about EVERYTHING about my life! Without Christina, I would probably be lost!
love you. |
The list seems to keep going, but I must not forget my very best friend, Katherine Emma Bost. This girl has been there for me always...even when I wasn't there for her!! (like in 8th grade ;) ha!). As we've grown older together, we have been completely blessed to have our boyfriends become good friends! Now, the four of us get to have annual get-togethers and laugh so hard we cry, or eat so much we practically pass out! Katie is a wonderful friend, and even when I don't get to see or talk to her for months, nothing changes when we reconnect!
Many people have come and gone out of my life in the past 2 years, but everyone above has made a huge impact on me. There is one more, however, that has changed my life for good and she will never leave (even if she wanted to!) She is my mentor, my co-worker, my soul friend. Jackie Bong asked me 2 years ago when she first shook my hand if I wanted to lead on a retreat with their church. I agreed, anxious to be involved in a large youth group. Since then, Jackie and I have only grown closer and closer in ministry, but also as friends and spiritual disciples of one another. I am thankful for the time she has put into helping me grow in my relationship with the Lord, as well as in ministry. I have learned more than I could ever imagine and look forward to as much time as possible with her in the future!
As I reflect on the past 2 years and everything God has brought me through, these are some of the key people that have been there, that have given of their time, energy and love to encourage me and allow me to become all that I can be! I hope to give this same love to those around me, as well as back to these wonderful people! So here it is, another summer, another year to grow in every way I can!!
Jenna's Journal